Love your life more

A monthly membership where women learn to feel seen, validated and supported while focusing on prioritizing their dreams and needs through weekly intentionality.

Inside the Bright Side Society, you will:

Say hello to calmer moments in your motherhood.
Say hello to discovering new hobbies that excite you.
Say hello to prioritizing yourself every week.
Say hello to productivity in your business with accountability.
Say hello to letting other women support you.
Say hello to your favorite version of you, she's waiting for you.
And so are we.


I'm Katrina! I'm a mom of two, at home CEO, massive Swiftie, and eternal optimist who calls Wisconsin home.

My life's mission is to help women learn to love their lives more, prioritize themselves, and have the audacity to dream of a better future.

Through my mentorship, you'll feel validated and empowered to live your best life as your favorite version of yourself!


"I gain so much benefit from this membership. When I get on, Katrina is such a special person and friend. She is always positive with ideas and really is the balance of heart and brain. It has changed my life completely and has helped me grow my business."

founding member & membership mentor

"I crossed paths with Katrina when I signed up for a Clarity Call with her, to help get some clearer next-steps in my business goals. I was so blown away by her that when she invited me to start doing some mindset coaching, and ultimately joining the Bright Side membership, I jumped at the chance for more time with her.

I continue to be in awe of not only the different ways she has provided me truly helpful support (from spiritual to technical) but also by how strongly the things she suggests/post regularly resonate with me."

Founding member & membership mentor

“Katrina has been instrumental in helping me stay the course and work towards my goals. She shows up consistently with her awesome support and encouragement and lifts everyone else around her. There's so much value within her membership!”

Founding member & membershio mentor

Do you feel

Like you often have a short fuse with people around you or respond in ways that you're not proud of?

Scattered when it comes to finishing tasks or following through with things you want to do in life?

Overwhelmed with the negativity around you in life, wishing that there were more positive influences around?

Like you wish you could start doing things that you want, and voice what you don't want, without worrying about the opinions of others?

Like you have outgrown your current friend group but don't know where to meet new girlfriends?

June 8th & 9th | Boston, MA

Love your life more


Ticket price bumps up soon!

What can you expect?


By getting in touch with what really brings you joy, and learning to celebrate your unique magical self, you'll become comfortable taking up space and speaking your truth.


When you are supported by the women in the community for embracing your quirks, you'll learn to lean into them and see them as glimmers to wear on your sleeve.


Everyone goes through hard shit in life, but not everyone has the capability of still seeing the good in the midst of it, or after the fact. Lucky for you, you've got me (Katrina) as your lead optimist to help you see the hope and appreciate the now.


When you're left to your own devices, it's easy to neglect your promises you've made to yourself. Because no one knows if you have the dream of doing something with your life, they won't know if you give up on yourself. We show up weekly and declare our priorities for the week ahead and check in through the week with our accountability buddies. We won't let you give up on yourself, lovingly.

It's time for you to start living the live you crave.
Are you ready?